Mon livre “Fais-le bien, et laisse dire” fête son 4ème anniversaire
Mon livre “Fais-le bien, et laisse dire” fête son 4ème anniversaire. Ce livre était le premier pas de ma nouvelle vie et je suis très fière de l’avoir sorti ainsi que des commentaires positifs reçus depuis sa sortie.
Merci aux Éditions Tabou de m’avoir fait confiance et soutenu dans ce projet très important pour moi
Merci à feu Patrick le Sage de m’avoir aidé dans la recherche d’un éditeur et pour la couverture du livre
Merci à RESSAN pour la magnifique photo en couverture du livre
Oops, is it already four years ago that your book was published 😉!?! It’s surely a gripping, higly recommendable read, since you can learn a lot about your personal background and the motivation for your libertine life style (and about your early adventures when exploring this fascinating world)… I remember that reading it back then did a lot to make me so captivated you and your special story (besides reviving my very rusted French learned in school 👍)… and it motivated me very much to ‘follow’ this extraordinary women, to experience at first hand how she continues her libertine life freely, independently and self-determined after her public coming-out 💓🤩👍
5 years since I left Switzerland and changed my life, 4 years since my book came out. It’s amazing how time flies and all the (new) adventures I’ve had since then. I’m a very happy woman. Thank you heinnapp for following my adventures so faithfully 😉
Yes, time is truly running (a trivial wisdom but nevertheless so true 😉)! And yes, it is clearly evident from all your content that you are currently “very happy” (although your life is also not completely ‘sans souci’, of course) and that you do not regret the certainly difficult decision you made five years ago… and imho it is your genuinely felt ‘happiness’ (apart from the sheer range and diversity of your content) that is most appealing and inspiring 💓🥰👍